21 January 2022

I am embarking on a new project together with a group who is intending to support with the conservation of African wildlife.

This project will entail a brand new website that will sell art in all mediums of Africa’s endangered wildlife.  I am personally very involved bringing attention to vultures of all species.  Vultures have become extremely threatened by the practices of traditional medicine whereby the traditional healers will lay poisoned carcasses as bait. It is common practice for many conservationists to set up ‘vulture restaurants’ for vultures to enable them to eat safely and encourage them to increase in population.  I feel it is very important to increase public awareness for this vital member of the ecosystem.

I will be visiting a vulture restaurant very soon and will share some photographs so you can appreciate the work involved.

Kruger Diaries December 2021

This giant bull elephant had right of way on this road on which we were travelling.  We found ourselves retracing our steps in reverse as he was not going to move off the road for us.

On our recent visit to Kruger National Park, we were so fortunate to witness a Wild Dog kill right next to our vehicle.  When on safari in Africa, you never know what is around the corner.  Life goes from driving along looking at vast open spaces to frenetic action within seconds.

We reached the T junction where we hoped he would go in the opposite direction to us, but he still continued on his was eventually making us turn the vehicle and head off the way we had come!

It was such a privilege to be able to observe the interaction of the close knit family structure and watch how the adults stood back while the youngsters devoured the spoils.

Tembe Diaries June 2021

Setting Up The Cameras

The Magic Of Dung Beetles

Waiting For Traffic

Convincing Evidence

First Sightings 1

First Sightings 2

Artist Diaries

This is how today’s conversation went with myself…….

NATURALIST:  “I think today I will paint a Lilac-Breasted Roller”

THE ARTIST:  “You know you hate painting Lilac-Breasted Rollers”

NATURALIST:  “But this is a cool one sitting on an elephant dung ball”

THE ARTIST:  “It’s always a great idea until you start”

NATURALIST:  “It shouldn’t take too long

THE ARTIST:  “Sure thing – 24 different colours of oil paint and 4 hours of work. Think it will be worth it?

NATURALIST:  “Damn Right!”

 I am embarking on a series of small pieces that I am calling ‘The Elephant Dung Suite’.

Elephant dung plays a vital part in ecology, being sought out and used by a diverse collection of creatures, not least of all baboon, butterflies and of course the notorious Dung Beetle. 

Here I have depicted the colourful Lilac-Breasted Roller which is using a large elephant dung ball as a convenient look out perch while searching for insects to prey on.

Andrew Bone Copyright 2023

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